Why am I writing this blog?

Over my entire lifetime I have had several questions. And to some of these I would get answers that would be satisfying, to some others not so much. Explanations or answers to others could get confusing or may not have been easily accessible. And maybe in some cases I would have a really difficult time understanding the perspective of the person providing the answer and would leave it at "agree to disagree". In some other situations I have been able to see and appreciate the answers from their vantage point and build fresh perspectives.

Quenching this curiosity driven thirst brings a chuckle to me every time I think about it. More often than not it has been very interesting and a lot of fun. But it has been tortuous too. Overall, it is a process that I have come to quietly enjoy and has helped shape my current world view.

I am writing this blog for three reasons. First, I want to put some structure to my ideas. My hope is to build an expansive thesis on life, spanning the bedrock and outer edges of reality. I also think of this book as an evolving draft, since it will change as new evidence and perspectives emerge. Second, this is a note to my younger self. I really think my younger self would have resonated and benefited from this thesis. Lastly, it is for you the reader. I can only imagine there are at least a few of you out there for whom life has time and again posed interesting questions. My hope is to share my perspectives from my vantage point. I further want to engage with you and your ideas, because informational exchange over time is what will ultimately lead to richer and refined world views for all of us.
